viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Solution paragraphs.

It’s a fact that we’re involved in a serious crisis, and in addition politicians steal us money. Everyday appear a new notice of a corrupt politician, and it seems that nobody do anything to resolve the matter. I only see politicians saying that is all solved and we don’t have to worry, but the situation is worst every time. 
One solution to the problem of political corruption is that people choose more loyal politicians, and they're more interested in their town than in the money. However, it's almost impossible that people be able to identify the loyalty of other people if they don`t know them. 
On the other hand, other solution is establish a higher general standards. If rules were more strict and hard I think people will respect them more. Then I believe it would be the best option to follow, and maybe we could change our situation and grow up. 
 Finally, in my opinion, people must be more considerate because all the country is in crisis and our image is getting worse.

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