viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Solution paragraphs.

It’s a fact that we’re involved in a serious crisis, and in addition politicians steal us money. Everyday appear a new notice of a corrupt politician, and it seems that nobody do anything to resolve the matter. I only see politicians saying that is all solved and we don’t have to worry, but the situation is worst every time. 
One solution to the problem of political corruption is that people choose more loyal politicians, and they're more interested in their town than in the money. However, it's almost impossible that people be able to identify the loyalty of other people if they don`t know them. 
On the other hand, other solution is establish a higher general standards. If rules were more strict and hard I think people will respect them more. Then I believe it would be the best option to follow, and maybe we could change our situation and grow up. 
 Finally, in my opinion, people must be more considerate because all the country is in crisis and our image is getting worse.

Are you worried about the future?

I’m eighteen years old, it’s assumed I'm more or less a responsible person, I know what I want be in a near future and therefore my live should be completely organized. Well, I don’t like the term “average person” due to that I think is stupid and a waste of time be always thinking about the future, basically because we’re in the present. I’m not a serious person although I can seems it, I’m young and I’m more worried about enjoying the present than thinking in future questions. I don’t know what will be my job or if I will form a family but I believe that present is the secret to be happy in the future. Maybe I’m wrong but anyway people say that we learn of our mistakes.

Práctica 1: Opinion pararaph.

One of my favourite things in the world is foreign languages. I think they are very important because if you know several languages you will have more possibilities to find a job. Also, you will travel to foreign countries without worrying about people not understanding you. Moreover, I believe it's amazing that people of different countries and nacionalities are able to communicate. However, many people don't like other languages due to that they consider them very difficult, and they only show interest for their own language. For example, I've a friend who never passed the English exams at school because she said: "Elnglish isn't my language, we're in Spain". I  always have thought that learning other languages opens many doors, and for me, it hasn't got any disadvantage, only advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of a topic.

I’m going to write about the topic of middle children, mainly because it’s my case. I think it has more disadvantages than advantages although many people disagree. First of all, for me, the bigger disadvantage is that parents usually show more interest for the smallest children, and also for the eldest children due to that they were the first in the family. However, middle children often are neglected. Moreover if you’re a middle child you won’t have much freedom because you aren’t old enough and you’re just in the middle. On the other hand, it has several advantages too, for example when there is a fight between siblings, parents' anger often leads on the elder brother. In addition, middle children have a better relation with both siblings because their ages are more similar. Finally, I believe isn't very important the position in a family, the most important thing is the fact of have a family. 

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

My favourite place in the world.

My favourite place in the world is my house. I can't imagine another place which I'd stay more comfortable. One of the things that I more like of my house is my bed, specifically I think it's the best place around the world. Another thing I like is watching films in my sofa with a blanket when it's raining. Moreover, I love staying with my family as everyone I supose, and I wouldn't change this for anything. Recently I have checked that I love my house, because now I'm living in Murcia and every week I'm wishing that come the weekend to return home.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Opinion essay.

I'm going to write my opinion about for me a very important topic, violence. Many people, when talk about this only think in men swatting women, but I disagree. First of all, violence is not only in men nowadays, there is a percentage of women too. Secondly, there are many forms of violence, not only knocking, because sometimes shouts and bad words are worse than physical abuse. Lastly, I would advise everyone that increase their self-esteem to not let anyone step on it. Everybody should love himself more.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

Describing people.

I really hate fake people like Shakespeare's character Yago, who tell lies to everyone and later he denies having done it. People that spend their time trying to disturb another one because they don't have better things to do. The problem of that people is they are usually weaker than all the people think, and they attack as own deffense. I can only feel pity towards such people.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014


Maybe I’m a weird girl but I don’t consider necessary to need another person to be happy or to feel complete. I think that if you’re happy with yourself you should be very proud because that is the most important thing. Maybe this reflection isn´t good for many people, although I respect their opinion. Maybe it isn’t a good reflection because it’s 2:00 am and I´m quite tired. And maybe I don’t mind if it’s a good reflection or not, simply I like it. Good night :)