viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Advantages and disadvantages of a topic.

I’m going to write about the topic of middle children, mainly because it’s my case. I think it has more disadvantages than advantages although many people disagree. First of all, for me, the bigger disadvantage is that parents usually show more interest for the smallest children, and also for the eldest children due to that they were the first in the family. However, middle children often are neglected. Moreover if you’re a middle child you won’t have much freedom because you aren’t old enough and you’re just in the middle. On the other hand, it has several advantages too, for example when there is a fight between siblings, parents' anger often leads on the elder brother. In addition, middle children have a better relation with both siblings because their ages are more similar. Finally, I believe isn't very important the position in a family, the most important thing is the fact of have a family. 

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