lunes, 19 de enero de 2015


    First of all, I must say I am not a fashion-coscious person because I consider that everyone have to have their own style. I think I am an average person. Now, we can see fashion parades in which fashion models wear weird clothes. I don't like this, I like having my own style, and specially, I don't mind trends.
    Nowadays, people are very worried about their aspect, their clothes, their style, their personality... and I honestly believe that questions are not important, although they influence us a lot. We should think in our happiness, life is too short to worry about stupidity.

Práctica 4: Opinion essay.

    Most people agree with wearing uniforms at schools, and there are a lot of institutions, both, public and private, which children are forbbiden to wear school uniforms. Many parents affirm that uniforms equal children in an economic way, because some children do not have enough money to buy brand-names clothes, for example. It sometimes produces that a child can be jealous of another child.

    However, wearing uniforms create a serious atmosphere when children are usually cheerful; and they may stay more comfortable with their own clothes. Moreover, it is very interesting to see the big range of styles of the people. For instance, I have a good friend that always wears different hats, and although I could not wear any of them, I like her style.

    On the other hand, there are people who say that wearing uniforms at school is better due to the fact that if children won't wear them, teachers could judge their pupils for their appearence, and not for their ability. But honestly, I believe this is not true because a good teacher looks inside his pupils, not outside.

    In conclusion, we should not limit children's freedom. They must learn to choose and to make decisions in their life since they are small. We are very influenced by society. Then, it is a negative fact and we have to find a solution soon or finally we will be furniture without personality.

Práctica 3: Problem/Solution essay.

    Nowadays there are more poor people around the country than in the past. This gloomy situation is produced because of a big crisis, and also selfish people who don't help other people. More and more often, I see nes about people who don´t have a house and sleep on the street, or many childreb that don't have anything to eat. We can see football players winning a lot of money for playing a match, or corrupt politicians, and it is a shame.

    On the one hand, I think rich people could share their good luck and donate to charities in the third world for example, There are average people who don´t donate money because they need to save money just in case they need it in a near future, and I understand that. However, there are famous celebrities wh have millions of euros and only spend them buying cars or new clothes. I can't understand how people can be so selfish.

    On the other hand, many people are not concerned in how bad is the life of other people. For instance, I could not imagine I can not eat in three or more days. One day I asked to my grandmother: "Why do not you donate money?", and she answered me: "I don't donate money because I am not rich". Surely that was the main problem, people think they have to be rich to can help another people and this is false.

     In conclusion, I believe people should realize that children are dying and nobody do anything. We have the opportunity to change that and we should do it. If you were a poor person, would you want people help you?. We only have to be honest with ourselves.

Práctica 2: Outline.

I. Children's behaviour is sometimes manipulated by some videogames and it has more negative aspects than positive aspects.

II. Videogames wich have good values.
    A. There are a big range of videogames.
    B.It is possible to change children's behaviour in a postive way.
    C. The aim of several videogames is to teach.
    D. Many games develop brain's activity of children.

III. Videogames don't have any values and their main aim is entertain people.
    A. Maybe they are a waste of time.
    B. They are a good way to turn off our minds and enjoy.

IV. Videogames that increase violence between children.
    A. Many children only have videogames about wars, blood and flights.
        1. Parent's problem.
        2. Children's problem.
    B. Young people sometimes spend enough time with bad videogames and later they are confused with real world.
    C. News about  produced by those games are increasing.

-Parents should have higher standards.
-Videogames which increase violence must be forbbiden.
-The real world is more important than the virtual world.
-Our freedom doesn't have limits.

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

Christmas Holidays.

     This Christmas, I have made a great trip with my family. First of all, my father organised the journey in only two days; suddenly, one morning, he woke up us and he said: "Get up everybody, we go out in a pair of hours". Then, we made our suitcases and we went to the airport. My family and I have spent four spectacular days in Galicia. We have seen a lot of things: beaches, amazing views, delicious food and many more things.
      Evey year I am happy in this date although I have to study. For me, Christmas is a time to stay with family, it doesn't care where you celebrate it, but yes with whom you stay in these moments.