viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Time changes everything.

    Every generation of people is different in important ways. The main difference is the mind, because in the past people was very repressed for another people’s opinion. In many families one of the most important values was the purity, at least in appearance, such as the play of Federico García Lorca, “Bernarda Alba’s house”. However, nowadays people is more free, and they usually do what they want when they want without answer to nobody.

    Moreover, my generation has had more lucky than my parents’ generation, due to the fact that we have not seen the poverty and misery of the war, and also, we have not to leave our studies to work because of in our houses there wasn’t enough money to eat. I believe our actual values and aims are not as important as in others generations. We spend too time worrying about our aspect or in going out, and we forget to do more useful things.

    Finally, we should give thanks to our parents for our actual situation and try to improve every day. If we propose it, we will reach to anywhere.

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