lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Práctica 4: Opinion essay.

    Most people agree with wearing uniforms at schools, and there are a lot of institutions, both, public and private, which children are forbbiden to wear school uniforms. Many parents affirm that uniforms equal children in an economic way, because some children do not have enough money to buy brand-names clothes, for example. It sometimes produces that a child can be jealous of another child.

    However, wearing uniforms create a serious atmosphere when children are usually cheerful; and they may stay more comfortable with their own clothes. Moreover, it is very interesting to see the big range of styles of the people. For instance, I have a good friend that always wears different hats, and although I could not wear any of them, I like her style.

    On the other hand, there are people who say that wearing uniforms at school is better due to the fact that if children won't wear them, teachers could judge their pupils for their appearence, and not for their ability. But honestly, I believe this is not true because a good teacher looks inside his pupils, not outside.

    In conclusion, we should not limit children's freedom. They must learn to choose and to make decisions in their life since they are small. We are very influenced by society. Then, it is a negative fact and we have to find a solution soon or finally we will be furniture without personality.

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